Barbara Hartrumpf

received her musical education at a grammar school specialising in music. Regular orchestral, chamber music and solo performances as well as solo and chamber music participation in competitions followed, leading, among other things, to the award of 1st prize winner of the Baden Cultural Fund in 2007. From 2009 - 2014 she studied violoncello with Prof. Susanne Müller-Hornbach at the Cologne University of Music and Dance with a focus on pedagogy and orchestra. In 2014 she came to the Hochschule für Künste Bremen to specialise in historical performance practice with Prof. Viola de Hoog. In recent years, Barbara Hartrumpf has performed regularly with the Elbipolis Barockorchester Hamburg, the Bremer Barockorchester and the Ensemble Schirokko Hamburg. Concert tours have taken her to Geneva and Italy with the ensemble Le Harmoniche Sfere and Le Petit Trianon, as well as several times to the Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht.


Julia Krikkay


Annie Gard